Making beer in 3 simple steps.
Making a beer is easy but anyways not everybody can make it.
The first step is to gather and prepare all the necessary stuff in order to make the beer. We are talking about delicately and carefully chosen ingredients which are mixed with great attention and love. The basic equipment which is needed for beer making at your own is: a fermenter + airlock, a funnel, a sanitizer, Auto - Siphon, Stir Spoon, Beer Recipe Kit (or all the individual ingredients) and a brewing kettle.
The second step
The second step is the key element of the beer making process
The second step is all about sanitizing and sanitizing. The quality of the beer depends on how clean the equipment is. After the sanitizing comes the brewing. All the ingredients should gently be put in the kettle with a certain amount of water and to be brewed. After brewing a fluid called sugar water is obtained. It is called wort. The wort should be cooled as soon as possible. It is usually done by ice packs or with a special cooling equipment which can do the cooling in a very short amount of time. Once the cooling is done we are free to proceed to the last step of beer making.